The Famous Pontiac Brand & Pontiac Wheels

December 2nd, 2010

Pontiac & OEM Pontiac wheels were manufactured from 1926 – 2010; so it stopped production this year. Even though it was first produced in 1907, they merged fast with Oakland Motor Company. They began to manufacture cars that were branded as Pontiac; which was their companion in 1926. Pontiac & the factory original Pontiac rims were sold in Canada, Mexico, & here in North America by GM.

I think that the Pontiac Grand Prix with the OE Pontiac Grand Prix rims were one of their best selling cars. I mean, have you seen the 2008 Pontiac Grand Prix Wheels ? No wonder they sold that car more than their other models.

Their older & classic models aren’t so bad looking either; actually, I’d prefer to buy one of those instead of the Grand Prix… just saying. Either way that you look at it, most of their cars & all of their Original Pontiac wheels have been nice.

Wouldn’t you say the same?
